Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Old Dog

I baked a peach cobbler the other night.

Yes, you read that right!

I (subject)

baked (verb)

a peach cobbler (direct object)

When I brought it out, still piping hot and topped with vanilla ice cream, to the picnic table on the patio, Son #2 said to his friend Mikey, "This is the first time my mom has ever cooked."

I don't care if it was the easiest recipe on the planet. I baked a peach cobbler. Take that Rachel Ray.


uncle wally said...

You might want to aim higher than Rachel Ray, that culinary waif who gave this gift to the world -

Pranayama mama said...

one step at a time

KevinOn7 said...

Following in your mother's footsteps, I see. What's next?

Pranayama mama said...

i'll look to "cake wrecks" for guidance