Thursday, March 31, 2011

Secret Admirer

I took Son #1 to the Pittsford Teachers' Jazz Ensemble last night while the hubby and Son #2 went to karate and then out for Chinese.

Later, Son #2 was reading his fortune cookie which said something about an admirer appearing soon in his life.

Son #2: I know who it is! It's your boss!

Me (laughing): Why on earth would it be my boss?!

Son #2: Because she sent me those postcards . . . !

Honestly, that kid remembers, fondly, events that took place years ago as if they were yesterday.

I just hope that I'm storing karmic credits with that kid that I can leverage at a later date. Grannie Annie should be set for life!


KevinOn7 said...

Sounds like he takes after you. You seem to remember, even now, some pretty trivial useless information from when you were a kid. I, on the other hand, don't remember anything from before age 13 or 14.

Pranayama mama said...

I have a knack for the useless. It's the useful stuff I have difficulty remembering.