Monday, August 29, 2011

Summer Vacation: Stop #1

I didn't realize the extent of my soothsaying capabilities when I posted the pre-vacation "for tomorrow may rain so I'll follow the sun" song. Damn Irene. Based on photos of storm damage throughout Central PA (i.e., our path home), I feel like we made the right decision to come back a day earlier than planned. Sorry to my brothers, their wives and my mom who were all given the bum's rush.

Our first stop: Hershey, PA. The kids had been watching YouTube videos for weeks planning what roller coasters they wanted to ride. We got there and Son #2's face drained of all color and his lips turned grey. Maybe it was the heat; maybe it was the size of the coasters. Regardless, I did what any responsible adult would do: I let Son #1 stand on line by himself for 45 minutes and go on the Fahrenheit all alone. Is that so wrong? Son #2 chose what we thought was a mellow ride, the aptly named Wild Mouse, which we rode together and then he collapsed on the floor of the gift shop. Not to outdo myself, I then left him alone on a bench while Son #1 and I went on more rides. Mother of the Year.

Many hours and hundreds of dollars later, armed with a stuffed silver kiss named Milton and a cookbook filled with chocolate recipes, we arrived back at the hotel. The day I thought was a bust was later cited as one of the best parts of the trip. Go figure.

Where next? For travel advice, it's always best to consult a balding, newspaper-reading monkey and Milton.

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