Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Let Me Off!

Taking her cues from our client, my boss wrote the following in a presentation for today, "Breaks will be provided throughout the meeting. Healthy minds and bodies produce better thinking!"

Later, there is a section about living a healthy lifestyle that poses the question, "What one thing should you change about your lifestyle to be healthier?"

Around 9:30 p.m. last night, after her flight home was delayed, cancelled, re-booked, etc. she called me, at work, from LaGuardia. I just had to bust her chops re: this new found, softer side.

"Oh, did you like that?" she asked while chuckling.

"Yeah, and I have an answer to the 'one thing I should change' question, too! I think my boss needs to move to Colorado and I should get a new job!"

I'm not sure if it was the later hour, the much-needed stress relief or just the sheer hilarity of visualizing her presenting these work/life balance tidbits, but we were laughing so hard, I had tears rolling down my cheeks.

Sure, our balance is not optimal, but it helps to have some fun in the midst.

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