Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Congratulations to my nephew Tim for his graduation from Brown this weekend! Congratulations to my niece Kira for her graduation from the Tilton School this weekend! Everyone is growing up. And I graduated from college 25 years ago this month. Twenty-friggin-five years. What the . . . ?

With the hope of staving off my wrinkles a little longer (and by "wrinkles" I mean the deep crevices that are mapping my face), I've joined the RoC® Challenge on shespeaks where I apply RoC® RETINOL CORREXION® Deep Wrinkle Night Cream nightly for 12 weeks and chart the difference. I'm on week two and, to date, no difference. What the . . . ?

I'm also officially on a long overdue diet that I'm logging into myfitnesspal. Two weeks into this diet, eating under 1100 calories a day, working out at least 5X/week and (drum roll please), I've gained three pounds. What the . . . ?

Instead of moping around about my wrinkles and lard ass (oh, did I mention that I'm now sporting some gray hair, too?), I've decided to take action. And by "take action"  I mean laze around all weekend. So far, I've read the paper. I've relaxed in the hammock while reading magazines. I've watched two of Son #2's baseball games -- and the Pittsford Crew regatta on the canal next to the baseball field all day yesterday. I've gone to church. I've watched the boys have a super soaker fight with their friends. That's it. And that's the extent of my plans. Except the kids are now loaded into the car for go-karts and mini-golf. What the . . . ?

Is it sin to engage in such frivolity when we are supposed to be honoring those who died serving our country today? Or is it a mark of our bountiful freedom that I have the ability to do just as I please today without repercussion? Probably a bit of both.

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