Friday, April 1, 2011

Endless Summer

Thanks to one innocent Facebook post this morning, I've been listening to the Beach Boys all day. For the most part, they remind me of my childhood girlfriend Pam McColloch who lived up the street. In the pre-cellphone 1970s, we would spend nights chatting with each other over our walkie talkies while taking turns playing Beach Boys tunes on our turntables until the batteries (or our thumbs pressing the "speak" button) quickly wore out.

The song Sloop John B, however, reminds me of arriving at Day Hall, at Syracuse University, freshman year. My bestest friend Krissy and I requested rooms in the same dorm but asked not to be roommates so we could meet other people. On the day we arrived, there was a big dorm party with kegs out on the lawn (those were the days, huh!) and music blaring. I was so excited. Kris? Not so much. She sat on the front steps, crying and singing aloud to this song. "I feel so broke up; I wanna go home." Buzz kill!

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