When we moved from NYC to VA, we bought a cheap mattress (of the penny-for-a-box-spring variety) for the guest bedroom mainly so a pregnant me wouldn't have to sleep on the floor for few weeks before my husband, and furniture, arrived. Poor Son #1 has been sleeping on it ever since he moved into his "big boy bed." So last week, we finally got him a real mattress so that the remainder of his childhood could be spent getting a proper night's sleep. Amazing difference.
In the constant, he-got-x-so-I-deserve-y logical argument that happens among kids, Son #2 has been dropping subtle hints that he wants a new mattress. Not exactly inexpensive, huh.
While the next story may sound unrelated at first, I'll bring it back, I promise.
A few weeks ago, we were hanging out with my girlfriends. One friend told a "There's no 'I' in team story" except that she had said to her brother, "There's no 'I' in family" to which he responded, "Uh yeah, Mary, there is." The kids thought that was hilarious and keep quoting it, building on it, making up new ones, etc.
The other night, Son #2 added this gem to the collection, "There's no "i" in team and I have no "f" in mattress."
Man, I wish I were that funny.
ReplyDeleteHe's since added, "There's no 'f' in hope."