In addition to having a fabulous time with family and friends, highlights of the week included:
- The dance-off at our neighborhood party where Son #2 took his shirt off and swirled it in the air like a Chippendale's dancer while slapping his butt. Um, not sure where he learned that . . .
- Watching all of the kids at the party breaking open the Christmas crackers to find they were filled with non-kid items. "Yea, I got nail clippers!" Or "Hey, what's this?" (Answer: a shoe horn. Awesome!)
- Two signed contracts not to wake us up before 6:00 a.m. on Christmas day that were reneged upon at approximately 4:00 a.m. by one and 5:00 a.m. by the other.
- A very sweet note left for Santa (see below). Santa responded with his own note including details of the beer he shared with daddy along with something vile about flatulence. (The lesser known perils of riding in a sleigh behind nine reindeer.)
- The loot. And boy was there loot. Drums. iPod Touches. Xbox Kinect and Xbox Live. And much, much more. (Heigh-ho, heigh-ho . . . )
- Sledding in Mendon Ponds Park. God's natural half-pipe.
- Culminating, thankfully, with the neighborhood New Year's Eve party which was very quiet this year (vs. years past). 12:01 a.m.: time to go!
nice one:))