Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Photo Per Day #3: Election Night

Yesterday I had the honor of voting for one of my best friends from childhood who ran for NYS Senate. My eyes welled up with tears at the voting booth. I was picturing us playing kickball as kids. Camping on weekends in high school. Taking *sightseeing* trips to Mexico and Canada. Visiting colleges. Drinking blue whales at T's after her wedding still in our formal gowns. And on and on.

While she didn't win, she came close gaining an impressive 47% of the votes in our district.

This photo of two childhood girlfriends (and one hubby) was taken at the Hyatt downtown last night from the Democratic campaign headquarters. Tons of TV crews were stationed in the ballroom. We were in a river view suite on the 21st floor watching the results roll in. It felt like such an historic event and, while the outcome sadly wasn't in her favor, it was a privilege to be there. 

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