Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Take Me Down to the Infirmary

The scene inside my car at the tail end of a 6.5 hour journey with small boys and only Cracker to soothe my soul.

Take me down
“Give him back to me”
To the infirmary
“Mom, he stole monkey”
Lay me down
On cotton sheets
“What is going on back there?”
Put a damp cloth
“He hit me in the head”
On my forehead
“Why are you hitting your brother?”
Lay me down
“Because he just BIT me”
And let me sleep
“I'm going to pull over and bite both of you if this continues”

I know the whiskey, it won't soothe my soul
And the morphine won't heal my heart
But if you take me down to the infirmary, oh yeah
I won't have to sleep or drink alone.

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