Monday, August 16, 2010

My Boyfriends

My girlfriend Karen posted pictures of her boyfriends on Facebook last week: Brad Pitt, Jon Bon Jovi and Bret Michaels. Per my request, she later added Richard Grieco because she dated a Booker lookalike during the 21 Jump Street days and I felt it was a noteworthy absence.

I decided to compile my own photo album of boyfriends here in the blogosphere where, due to lack of readership, I wouldn't be subjected to as much public derision. To ensure the list didn't go on forever (and take the better part of my day), I limited it to two men per class (i.e., actors, musicians and athletes) which forced me to nix cute men like Denis Leary and Justin Bateman and focus on the true loves of my life starting, of course, with my main man David Bowie. Given that criteria, I then added an extra musician -- the lead guitar player for Rochester's very own Presstones (circa 1980-something).

What a winsome lot. And for a chick who claims to favor intelligence, the list is very telling. Nary a Stephen Hawking-esque figure in the mix. Ah well, can't have everything.

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