Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You and Your Heart

A Jack Johnson song was playing last Saturday at the Crow's Nest as we ate lunch on the patio and watched the boats pass by.

Perfect music for a perfect summer day. Sunshine. Tubing. Swimming.

Now I can't stop listening to him as I sit in my sunshine-y office and write pages upon pages of copy for a client's website. And I love, love, love this client. So maybe I can inject a warm summer breeze into the mission critical, MIL-spec, JIT, lean six sigma gobbledygook that I'm spewing?

Cause you and your heart
Shouldn't feel so far apart
You can choose what you take
Why you gotta break and make it feel so hard


  1. I just read last night that Jack Johnson is a photographer and film maker. I thought he just sang!

  2. I had no idea, either. I thought he just surfed :)
