Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I've been having a run of bad luck lately. Not major life events -- the hubby is dealing with that stuff. I mean little things gone awry. Forgetting to do things. Driving to the gym to find the pool closed. Almost running out of gas on the Thruway but not stopping, heart racing, because I'm cutting the timing to my meeting so friggin' close. Attempting to facilitate (ugh) a meeting that was god awful and absolutely out of control. (Nice work, huh.) Losing my glasses. Losing my sunglasses. Getting lost in downtown Syracuse without my GPS. Heading to a Red Wings game after an 80 degree, sunny day just in time for the downpour. Dumping a cup of cinnamon all over my oatmeal because I had the non-shaker side of the top open. Dealing with chronic, and amplifying, shoulder and neck pain that has spread from the right shoulder across my entire upper back over the past three weeks. And so on.

Then I heard about my coworker's best friend whose step father died over the weekend literally while on the Peace Bridge. (Thankfully his wife was driving.) He's a truck driver and wanted his ashes sprinkled over the Thruway. So they did just that: opened up the sunroof on Sunday and let him fly. And then, out of nowhere, came a huge gust of wind (a "tornado" in their words) which swooped him directly up and dropped him back into the car -- all over everyone. In their eyes, hair, clothes. This woman spent the rest of the weekend vacuuming up her step dad while grieving.

I guess my life isn't all that bad. I'm feeling thankful for the small things today.

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