Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What a Surprise

Ended my fabulous week off with a bang. A rum punch to the head. Last night of vacation spent at Thirsty's with a bunch of out-of-town friends who came in for the weekend. The last day of vacation spent on couch. Floor. Bed. Couch. Bed. Bathtub. Bed. (Never again.) But it sure was fun while it lasted . . .

Sadly, it came directly on the heels of a wonderful, full day of meditation at the Rochester Zen Center. I should have quit while ahead.

Relax. Party. Crash.
Lather. Rinse. Don't repeat.

This week: sorting through 100+ resumes to interview for a local GM position. Attending meetings. And fielding calls from a million clients (okay, maybe four) who desperately need to talk to me as their management consultant shrink. "Yes, it will get better. I promise."

Today, sunny and warm. Yesterday, however, snow. Snow in Rochester? Wow, what a surprise. How quickly summer's over.

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