Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I think Facebook should branch out into Clientbook. That way, whenever a client is touched (so to speak), the person in the organization who spoke/met with the client can update the status.

Bob: "Just spoke with the lead engineer. Putting in formal change control request and updating the statement of work."

Then anyone in the company can get an immediate, qualitative dashboard of all client-facing activity and further click on any one client for a deeper dive.

I've been working with so many client tools and systems over the years but nothing I've seen is as quick and immediate as Facebook.

Just a thought.


  1. The highly addictive Crackbook in another format? Then you can get two hits like a junkie, instead of one. I love it! Brush up on your computer software skills and do it!

  2. Oh, yea..when you make your bazillion dollars, remember that I encouraged you.

  3. An excellent idea - you might want to look at the Facebook API to see if it can be developed further. Right now the only visible feature is selective posting to the wall. And many people still use email and don't even bother with FB.

    There's been some interesting work on office communication ecologies that might also help.
