Saturday, January 16, 2010

BlogHer Roc!

Riding in the car a moment ago, we heard "Rock the Casbah." Son #1 said, "This is one band that can always put me in a good mood."

A nine year old boy after my own heart.

* * * * *

In other news, I bookmarked this fun blog, Chic and Green, a while back and just last month noticed that the blogger is a local Irondequoit chick. How cool is that?

More recently, I stumbled upon this beautiful letterpress shop, Pistachio Press, located right here in the Roch. Of course, the artist also writes a blog: Which Ones Are Weeds.

One thing led to another and, lookee here, two more Upstate NY bloggers: Two Brunettes and The Sweetest Occasion

I'm starting to think that there's an entire subculture of local bloggers that I may want to meet!


  1. Thanks for the mention of Chic & green. There are so many talented artisans and writers in Rochester I didn't know about for the longest time. Another blog by another cool gal here in West Irondequoit is Finding Abundance in Everyday Life at

    I'd love to have a local blogger meet up one day!

  2. thanks for the heads up; i just checked it out! i wonder what the blogger to resident ratio is around here?!

  3. Perhaps the blogger-to-resident ratio bears some relationship to the crappiness of the weather.
