Thursday, October 1, 2009

Whole Lotta Love

Last night, as I was tucking Son #1 into bed, he said to me, "Every day during school, I dream about playing hooky. There's even a big, red sign over the door leading to the playground that says, 'exit' and I'm like 'come on!' -- it's actually encouraging me to want to run out the door. Why would they do that?"

I told him that he and I could play hooky together some day. He would, after all, need someone to write his excuse the next day. He countered by telling me that he was thinking of creating a cyborg that could mimic daddy's handwriting . . . just like Santa does.

"Dad's probably gonna come clean with us about the Santa thing in about 30 years when he feels it won't be so disappointing. I know he doesn't want to let us down yet."

It breaks my heart that the Santa days are coming to a close. (Not to mention that it ticks me off that the hubby gets all the credit for everything!)

As I kissed Son #1 goodnight, I said, "I love you from the depths of my soul and the bottom of my heart." He responded, "I love you from the top and bottom of my heart and the right and left sides. And the bottom right, top left, top right and bottom left. I love you from all the cardinal directions of my heart."

That's a lot of love.

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