Monday, October 5, 2009


Son #2 is rapidly gaining his father's sense of humor and, along with that, his inherent disrespect. Thankfully, I think it's funny (for now).

Case #1: As I was learning to skateboard over the weekend, and unsuccessfully attempting to guide the skateboard toward one of the ramps in the driveway, Son #2 shouted, "head to the left." When my poorly directed skateboard continued veering slightly right, he then deadpanned under his breath, "your other left." Tough crowd.

Case #2: This morning, I bumped my head on the kids' wooden coat hook when I was bending over to pick up my laptop bag. As I laughed aloud, I could hear a little voice from the couch asking, "Uh, first time with the backpack, mom?" Sheesh. No margin of error allowed.

All I'm askin' is for a little respect (just a little bit).

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