Saturday, September 12, 2009

Future Entrepreneur?

As I was kissing him goodnight last night, Son #1 told me that he wanted to begin investing. He then said, "Wouldn't it be great if there was a young investors website where companies that sell things to kids could post their new product ideas, like what's coming out next in Spore, and we could read all about it and decide if we want to put money into the company? That way, we would make money if it did well and they would know pretty much immediately if it sounded like a bad idea."

And I thought, why yes, that would be a great idea. As he's only nine, it would clearly require parental oversight and controls but still, it would be educational, fun and possibly lucrative.

This morning Son #1 was reading a book entitled War in Iraq: Weapons of the 21st Century because he wants to join the military some day (with a particular interest in becoming a sniper). Then he commented, "The military should have free summer camps with spy games and other activities for kids. That way, they'll encourage a lot of us to learn what it's like and possibly choose to join when we're old enough."

And I thought, why yes, that too would be a great idea. He would have an absolute blast (no pun intended) and it wouldn't cost us a dime. If executed well (no pun intended), the military could stand to gain high-caliber recruits with a somewhat minimal investment over time.

The ripe mind of a fourth grader. I just pray that if he joins the military, he remains safe always.

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