Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cabin Fever

Happiness, for me, could come in the form of a tiny, one room cabin. Lakeside. Honeoye Lake preferably because it's teeny, sweet and charming--and just a hop, skip and jump from the house.

I saw this Cavco Cabin on the Tiny House blog a few weeks ago and loved it. Sadly, they don't currently sell them in NYS. Mind you, I can't currently afford it (or the land), either.

My other option would be an Airstream trailer. I don't care how small it is. Unlike the new build McMansions on Canandaigua Lake that are no longer cottages but more like garish monstrosities, I just want a little getaway that doesn't take itself too seriously. I could decorate in cowboy kitsch or junk gypsy and serve mojitos nightly.

However, now that Sherman's Travel named the Finger Lakes region the number one lakeside retreat in the world (beating out Lake Como!), I may never be able to afford my lakeside luxury-light. As Rochester magazine quipped, I'm sure George Clooney will be searching for his newest villa here shortly. Maybe we could be next door neighbors . . .

I wonder if he likes grilled cheese sandwiches and sangria?

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