Monday, August 24, 2009

One Happy Island

How can a week of total relaxation speed by so quickly? How can swimming for hours in the pool followed by swimming for hours in the ocean (day in/day out) feel like a split second of time?

Conversely, how can sitting at my desk for only a few hours feel like an eternity?

What I liked about Aruba: 1) being with my mom and kids for a week, 2) the ocean was crystal clear and felt like bath water, 3) Oranjestad was clean and colorful, 4) the weather was perfect, perfect, perfect, 5) the entire island felt safe (unlike Jamaica where we were escorted to the airport by armed guards because there was a series of heists by gunpoint earlier that morning), 6) everyone we met was friendly, 7) we enjoyed heaps o' yummy food (i.e., a pro and a con), 8) we stayed at a beautiful resort, 9) there were no obligations and 10) no work!

One woman who worked at the hotel was telling us that she and her husband moved there from the Philippines with their kids ~20 years ago and they love it. She said they lived a casual lifestyle with no need to get caught up in the rat race. Sounds too good to be true.

On the other hand, we had this interesting little exchange one night while being seated at an outdoor restaurant on the beach. A bleached blonde with snake tattoo and faded, orange cotton mini-dress from J.C. Penney circa 1984 turned to greet us.

Blondie: Where are you from?
Me: Rochester, NY. You?
Blondie: I'm from Aruba and my friend here is from Holland.
Me: Wow. I don't mean this to sound insulting but you sound very American.
Blondie (sneering at me): First off, that IS insulting. Secondarily, I'm originally from Ohio.
Me: Oh. How long have you been here?
Blondie: Four years and I'm never going back.
Me (suppressing my desire to return the sneer to my new native friend): You must love it here.
Blondie (clearly mistaking my polite response for sheer idiocy): It's the same here as anywhere. You still have to wash your sheets and make your bed in the morning.
Me: I just thought it was a more relaxing lifestyle.
Blondie (looking at me with utter disdain and speaking slowly so my moronic brain could comprehend): Noooooooo. One happy island my ass.

Well alrighty then. Nice to meet you . . . ?

Ah well. Back to life, back to reality. And thanks for a fabulous trip mom!!