Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer Solitude

I blocked next week on my boss' calendar for a vacation. I have nowhere to go, I just thought if I didn't schedule it, the summer would disappear. Since then, Son #2 signed up for camp. So much for getting out of here with the kids.

Last night, as Son #1 and I were driving home from grabbing sushi, he said, "Mama, you should still go on vacation without us. You need to relax." I replied, "That's so sweet but I wouldn't want to go without you. I would miss you." He said, "It's okay. We'd miss you a little but it would give me a week alone with daddy and that would be great."

I responded, "If I work, you would still have a week alone with daddy." He then said, "Don't work; you need a break without us. You should go to the beach."

I'm not sure whether to be sad that I could be gone a week without him really missing me or grateful that I could actually escape somewhere alone?!

For $522 I could head to Kripalu and take a week-long class in "Designing Your Destiny." Or I could just rent a shanty on the beach somewhere and meditate. Instead, I'll probably work.

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