Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Line Drive in the Time of Cholera

Last night was the final game of the spring 2009 Little League season. Son #2 was at peak performance again. As I gleaned while reading Outliers a while back, 10K is the magic number at becoming an expert in anything. (Example: the Beatles played ten thousand hours at clubs in Germany before taking the world by storm.) Since Son #2 wakes up ready to play baseball and catch pop flies, line drives and grounders all day long, I'm guessing he should be in the Major League by summer's end. As should we.

Another kid on his team heaved his hands, face and body against the fence while whining to his mom, "I want to go home. Nowwwwwwwwww."

She then turned to us and offhandedly said, "He's just starting to feel better after having the swine flu last week."


Maybe I'm being overly cautious but please, keep him home! Seriously.

Oh, gosh, I hope he's okay. We're just getting over the bubonic plague ourselves.

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