Friday, June 12, 2009

Blind Melon

My girlfriend Sarah had all of us guessing what color she was planning to paint her "great room." (It gets pretty exciting 'round here.) The answer: green sprout.

Me: I won!
Kim: No you didn't, I won.
Me: I said green.
Kim: Yeah, and I said beige.
Me: What part of green sprout sounds beige to you?
Kim: Oh, I thought she said she was painting her room grease brown.

I think it's high time to go back to the Pantone color chart. When it sounds perfectly acceptable to paint your room in a color that typifies the McDonald's waste stream and no one bats an eye, we may have gone too far.

I blame J. Crew.

"Love that shirt! What color is it, warm shell?"

"No, it's flamingo. I had a hard time deciding between it and the desert sky but flamingo goes with everything."

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm...mmmmm...mmmmm! Grease brown! YUMMMMMY! I'm thinking that would be a great color for my kitchen, since the splatters probably wouldn't show.

    Miss to all!
