Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

Such a perfect, relaxing, sunny day off. Grateful for the troops and especially thankful for those who've lost their lives throughout the decades defending the freedom we enjoy in this country--including Kevin Mowl who I never met but whose family lives in my hometown and, I'm sure, is still grieving today. We take so much for granted.

I saw this quote in an old body + soul that I was reading in the hammock today and it seemed apropos for the day.

"To live each day as if it were your last, you would be trying to remedy all the mistakes you had made, all the regret, all the things unsaid. If you live each day as if it were your first, you are freed from all obligations, all guilt, all regret."*

Speaking of freedom, I need to embrace such a positive perspective.

Got a lust for life, yeah, a lust for life.

And now for some spare ribs that the hubby has been barbecuing all afternoon.

*Breathing Space: Twelve Lessons for the Modern Woman by Katrina Repka and Alan Finger

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