Monday, March 9, 2009

The Whole of the Moon

I was going to post about our fantabulous Saturday night at the Queen City Roller Girls but decided to give thanks today instead for all of my blessings (of which all-chick roller derbys are but one).

On the way to work, I heard a pastor on the radio say, "Being in a relationship with Christ isn't something you do; it's a present you are given. Every time you're in communion with God, you're on the receiving end of a divine miracle."

Mind blowing. Well, at least, to me. He's a huge God and yet he hangs out with little ole me. Very humbling and, stunningly, it makes my heart swoon.

I also read a beautiful Zen metaphor over the weekend. I want to become "like a dewdrop that reflects the entire moon."

Isn't that gorgeous?

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