Monday, January 26, 2009

On Leadership

I put the following quote -- attributed to Norman Lear -- at the end of a keynote speech I wrote for my boss recently but, upon re-reading it over the weekend, I couldn't help but think of how it parallels the state of the nation today and Obama's (and our) challenges ahead.

“To be an effective leader, you not only have to get the group of followers on the right path, but you must be able to convince them that whatever obstacle stands in the way ahead, whether it’s a tree or a building that blocks the view, you’re going to get around it. You’re not going to be put off by apparent barriers to your goal. All journeys are filled with potholes and mines, but the only way we can move beyond them is to approach them, and recognize them for what they are. You have to see that it’s only a tree, or whatever, and it’s not insurmountable. Everywhere you trip is where the treasure lies.”

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