Friday, January 23, 2009

More Good News

My brother sent a CNN article to me yesterday which states that "a new study in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that healthy seniors who consume light to moderate amounts of alcohol reduce their odds of developing physical disabilities or dying in the next five years by 23 percent, compared with either heavy drinkers or those who abstain."

Now that is good news--especially for him because in the study, "seniors" referred to men and women over age 50. Oh the humanity!

What's more: Light to moderate drinkers were defined as those who consumed fewer than 15 drinks a week and fewer than five per day (fewer than four daily for women).

That's considered light? More good news for me!


  1. You shouldn't be so quick to consign me to the "seniors" category. I'm not 50 yet...

  2. I know; you're still a young 49.46978
