Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mini-weekend: Day 1

Today is Day 1 of the year of mini-weekends! We'll see how long this can last. Any bets?

What I plan to do:
  1. Try to stay off Facebook for a few hours!
  2. Take a six-hour bubble bath
  3. Meet a girlfriend at B&N to plan her ex-husband's memorial service (seriously!)
  4. Return all of the stupid clothes I bought after the holidays because my brain was on fire with the 80% off sales -- yeah, 80% off an ugly coat doesn't make the coat better looking
  5. Get my pants tailored (i.e., the trials of being 5'4" in a 6' family) (a.k.a. never start smoking at a young age)
  6. Thank God for mini-weekends and other blessings
  7. Greet the kids as they get off the bus
May not sound exciting to you but it sounds heavenly to me.


  1. Item #5 makes it sound like you wear hand-me-downs from the rest of the family, although I guess that would beat me trying to wear hand-me-ups from you...

  2. true. but you might look cute in the black skirt and tights combo i'm wearing today.
