Monday, January 12, 2009

The Drive of Capitalism

Laurie, one of my clients, and I were chatting about how we became uber-career chicks. She was a drama major in college and still loves to sing; now she's a senior VP at a high-end, investment management firm. I was an English major with no direction or any aspirations for that matter.

For me, I had a life-altering capitalist moment. I had been traveling and waitressing in New Zealand and Australia for a number of months when I saw a cute, brown linen suit in a store window. It stopped me in my tracks. Short skirt. Little jacket with (I swear) a tiny brown linen bow on the back. I suddenly wanted to be the ultra-professional woman who had somewhere to wear that suit.

Aren't I lucky? Got what I wanted.

Laurie had what she calls a similar experience when she went out to meet a date. This person took one look at her car and said with distain, "Is that your car?" She said she suddenly put someone else's eyes on her own life and no longer liked what she saw. The life of poverty could no longer be romanticized. She wanted a brand new car.

Thankfully she's extremely good at what she does, her clients and her team love her and she is really happy. And she's in a relationship with someone who doesn't care what kind of car she drives even if it's a 2009 BMW.

Got what she wanted.

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