Thursday, December 18, 2008

You're a Mean One

This lazy blog thing is fun. Well, for me at least. Today's selection is an old remake of an even older classic from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Not sure if the Whirling Dervishes had any other hits but I love hearing them on the radio throughout this time of year.

Speaking of Christmas classics, I went to my friend Pam's CAbi sale over the weekend where she was selling a black wool vest with green and red crosshatched lines running through it. Without thinking, I commented, "Wow, I could channel Burl Ives in this!" and she responded, "I love that. I wear it all the time with jeans and a white blouse." I didn't quite know how to recover so I just left it alone. She's beautiful and can get away with it, I'm sure.

Anyhoo, enjoy!


  1. Must I always be correcting you? It's "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"... This is getting tiring for me and tiresome for you, no?

  2. No, I enjoy being corrected. Oddly enough, I never before realized how often I was wrong! Thank God I have you to remind me. And my boss. And the hubby. And . . .
