Friday, October 31, 2008

Intergalactic Planetary Mom

When I told Son #2 that I would come home early tonight to go trick-or-treating, he jumped up and down a couple of times and gave me a huge hug.

"You're the best mom in town. In the world. Wait, you're the best mom in the universe. Except for that one mom on the planet Zircon -- I heard she's pretty awesome."


  1. Your kids are hilarious!

    What are you dressing as?

  2. with the exception of one year where i went door-to-door in a cheerleader uniform and my next door neighbor, peter, went with me dressed as a football player, we don't tend to get in costume much!


  3. bill will be dressed as Borat in that one piece neon speedo thing. That'll keep the kids away next year.
