Monday, September 15, 2008

Can't Spell Bruegger's without Rue

I have to moan momentarily about being on a diet. Mainly because I want to eat . . .

Thank God for Weight Watchers which helps me to control my intake. By calculating my points for the day, I can better ensure I don't overeat. However, calculating my points after eating can be downright shocking.

Case in point:
Breakfast today = coffee, bagel and peanut butter
Lunch today = grapes and a La Yogurt probiotic, nonfat yogurt
Dinner today = none because I have no points remaining

Bruegger's sucks. More points in one whole wheat bagel than in a McDonald's Egg McMuffin. More points than two pieces of pepperoni pizza at Chuck E. Cheese. More points than chocolate ice cream at Haagen Dazs. I could have had chocolate raspberry cake at Starbucks instead.

Or almost four glasses of wine. Four.

Sure, wine has no protein but it would help me to forget that I'm STARVING.


  1. Ditch weight watchers and try low carb. You still can't have the megabagel, but you can load up on bacon and pork rinds.

  2. you can have all sorts of stuff like carrots and celery, they are no points.

  3. if you run five days a week, you can eat whatever you want.
