I was recently asked what biblical character I identify with the most. I had never really asked myself that question before (who has?) but the answer came readily: Joseph. Not because my siblings hated me (at least to the best of my knowledge) but rather because he, to me, is the "patron saint" of the fact that no matter what bad things may happen in your life, something good can come out of them. Yet, during our most difficult times, we don't have a clear picture of the future and simply feel anguish.
In Joseph's case, after being left for dead, sold into slavery, and later imprisoned, he became the chief adviser of the Pharaoh in Egypt, advised the country to stockpile food in case of famine and, in turn, saved his family from starvation when they came seeking food. Never would have guessed that outcome when he was abandoned in a ditch, huh?
I bring this up because, a couple of weeks ago, Son #2 decided to nickname me Posie. He calls it my "stage name." Whatever. I happen think it's cute; almost as cute as "mama." (He has also taken to rubbing the sides of my tummy to make me laugh. He's adorable.)
Anyhoo, I just went to Behind the Name to read about my real name (who, by the by, was a nun/saint who was thrown in a vat of molted lead by the Moors) and randomly decided to see what Posie meant. In addition to the obvious floral reference, it's diminutive of Josephine which tracks back to the feminine form of Joseph. But of course.
We tried to sell you into slavery, but couldn't get a good enough price.
ReplyDeleteIsn't hot lead usually "molten", or have you been thrown into a vat of leaden snake skins?
once again, i need an editor. didn't even notice my misspelling . . . i think i foresee your next career. maybe you can get a job at "the economist" and use all of your skills in one fell swoop.
ReplyDeleteon an unrelated note, i saw "hot lead" in your comment and my feeble brain went immediately to sales prospecting -- which makes me want to be thrown into a vat of live snakes.