Monday, June 2, 2008

We All-a-Screama for Ice-a-creama

Son #2 elaborated more on his college plans over the weekend.

Son #2: "Can I study anything I want?"

Me: "Sure. What are you thinking of studying?"

Son #2: "I want to learn how to make ice cream."

Me: "Oh, that sounds great. I think it's called 'food chemistry' or something like that."

Son #2: "I want to make stinkbug flavored ice cream and hide a dead rattlesnake inside."

Me: "Hmm. I really don't think that's going to fly off the shelves at Wegman's."

Son #2: "Yeah it will. I'm going to label it 'grape'."

What a pleasant surprise.


  1. Killer.

    Gotta love little boys.

    I'm teaching Sunday school to a group of them once a month, and heard an interesting view of heaven not long ago from one of them. He said that heaven was a place where roller coasters don't hurt your penis.

    Can't -wait- to get there.

  2. apparently, your boy has been to coney island.

  3. Boys, boys, boys. Totally gross, yet loveable creatures.

    My friend's nine-year-old went shopping with his mom for new summer clothes at Dick's Sporting Goods yesterday. If you ask him where they went, he says, "Dick's" and grabs his crotch.

    Charming, isn't it?

  4. OMG. We have two Dick's in different suburbs near our house. My girlfriend's son said to her recently somewhat out of the blue, "Mom, I think I like big Dick's better." Once she figured it out, she told him he might want to keep his voice down when discussing it in public.

  5. don't forget the other day in the food store, when the elder kept asking for "dick spaghetti," and it took me about ten listens before I finally heard what he was asking about, which was thick spaghetti.
