Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Vera Vogue on Parade

On Sunday, the New York Times ran a story in the Style section about Melissa C. Morris, a young Manhattan socialite who writes a thriving blog about life with her husband Chappy (who, by the by, is 30 years her senior and reportedly one of the nicest guys on earth) and their dog Monty. I'm guessing the blog is considered interesting because it gives us members of the hoi polloi an inside view of another world. Or maybe because the blog is so sweet and innocent compared with our expectations or perceptions of the dog-eat-dog world of high society. (Yes, she seems to be nice!)

But honestly, is it interesting to read about which dishwasher stacks your silverware most efficiently? Really?

I, for one, know that if I stepped out of obscurity into elitism, I would be charting all of my FUN (read: really expensive) exploits. Dishwasher? I don't even use that now! Nope. I would post smarmy "look at this amazing dress I wore to the latest gala" blogs (i.e., eat your heart out commoners). Am I not simply gorgeous?

I guess that's why she is where she is and I'm . . . wearing an old peasant skirt from fashionista-free Marshall's circa 2006.


  1. that's soooooooooo nice of you to say! thanks.

  2. I knew right away it wasn't you. Your white gloves only come up to your elbows.
