Monday, June 30, 2008

Summertime and the livin' is easy

Spent the weekend on the party circuit with the kids.

At my girlfriend’s daughter’s high school graduation/18th birthday party, I got to spend time with the “kids” I grew up with which is one of the best gifts of living in my hometown again. Sallie’s gorgeous house sits uphill from a big pond that she swims in almost daily but, judging by the size and number of koi visible from just standing on the dock, I would be totally freaked out. Pool or pond? Pond would be good for her; pool for me!

Just beyond her white picket fence, lies a large field in which thousands of fireflies were sparkling that night. It felt like the scene from a Disney film. I only wish that I had brought my camera. Can you capture that kind of magic on film?

The following night, we went to the first birthday party for the little girl next door. The fete, which was more elaborate than many wedding receptions, was held at her grandparents’ house. Their back yard was larger than my entire neighborhood and was so park-like that it could have been designed by Fredrick Law Olmstead and I wouldn’t have been surprised. The meal was fully catered and the tent decorated throughout with balloons and giant lollipops covered in multi-colored cellophane wrappers. There were tables literally overflowing with candy (e.g., Pixie Stix, Tootsie Rolls, Smarties) and toys (e.g., snakes, beach balls, tattoos) for the kids to fill their monogrammed take-home bags.

The boys had a blast swimming with the other children while the neighborhood parents and I sat poolside sipping margaritas. It was the perfect night.

After Cold Stone Creamery came with their marble slabs and dished out ice cream for everyone, the proud mom cut the wedding, I mean birthday, cake. It was a three-tiered confection with pink, purple and white marzipan stripes and dots. The entire top layer was then given to the birthday girl for her to stick her fingers in and devour.

My only gripe: where were the pony rides? Cutting corners?!

Just kidding, of course. They're probably next year.


  1. That's a bit more "conspicuous consumption" than I can handle.

  2. So, did they bake the three-tiered convection in a confection oven? It only seems right that they would have...

    Your smart-ass, grammatically-correct sibling.

  3. speaking of which, you don't use a hyphen after "ly"

    revenge is sweet. like my infectious confections.
