Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The School Bully

Over the weekend, the little girl across the street was talking with my boys (post water gun war) while I sat on the front steps pretending to read.

Neighbor: You know that kid on the bus who is so mean to everyone?

Son #1: Yeah, Derek Frank? (Name changed to protect the innocent.)

Neighbor: He came to class on Friday with a book that he made called, "Derek Frank for Governor."

She continued: It had all of these pictures of him in it -- like one where he's smiling and doing the thumbs-up thing. And another with his pinkie pointed to his mouth and thumb to his ear that said, "call me." He even had one with his hands pointing out like guns next to his face that said, "I will outlaw all guns except for those people who are protecting me and my family."

Son #2: He's not scary; he just talks a lot.

Neighbor: Yeah, he said that if he's Governor he's not planning to do any work. He'll get others to do it for him.

Wow. Not the best platform in general but pretty darned insightful for a second grader, no? And the honesty is refreshing. I think he's onto something.

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