There were times when I was laughing so hard, with people I had only met that day, that the tears were rolling down my face. There were other moments spent in candlelit, guided meditation when God was so close that I felt he was hugging me.
And there was time spent in the sunshine just sitting on the dock with a close friend.

We had a bonfire on Friday night and watched the lightening light up the sky. (A Friday night without wine I may add!) And first thing on Saturday morning, after a walk along the road admiring all of the beautiful lake-front cottages, I forced myself into the water. It was ice cold and took my breath away. But I stayed in and swam for a while simply because I could. And I floated for minutes afterward letting the water support me.
Later that morning, in a "how befitting" fashion, our group meditation was on how Peter walked on water toward Jesus and then, when he turned his attention instead toward the wind and the waves and became fearful, he began to sink. Jesus held him until they reached the boat and said, "O ye of little faith." Until then, I had always thought that phrase was condemning. I now see how it was said in love and tenderness. Jesus didn't calm the storm; he just fully supported him in his walk. It was up to Peter to take the chance and step out -- something many of us aren't willing to do. Sure, he couldn't sustain his faith 100% of the time but he still knew who to call out to when he was failing.