Monday, May 12, 2008

Burgers & Cupcakes

Is that not a fun and compelling restaurant name? I want to go RIGHT NOW! Anyone? What a perfect combo beaten only by . . . wait. Nothing! If I lived in NYC, I think I would eat there nightly.


  1. Burgers & Cupcakes is missing at least one of the 4 basic food groups: salt, sugar, fat and alcohol. Maybe you should start a restaurant called (Potato) Chips, Cupcakes, Burgers, and Brews.

  2. Seriously. I was thinking that with alcohol it could be a trifecta: burgers, cupcakes & sangria. But as I was writing the blog, none of the combinations actually appealed to me. As much as it goes against my grain not to include margaritas, martinis or manhattans, cupcakes really belong with milk.

    Chips, on the other hand, go with anything.
