Monday, April 7, 2008

Why? Cuss we like you!

The Blog-O-Cuss Meter - Do you cuss a lot in your blog or website?

Apparently, this is 91% less than other websites who took this test (read: derelict expletive-laden filth mongers).

However, if I'm aiming for Six Sigma defect standards, I have some gosh darn diddly arn work to do.

Created by OnePlusYou.


  1. Maybe you aren't at zero because "liberal" and "Christian" register as offensive.

  2. speaking of offensive, persecution for my beliefs from my own kin? if only there was a country where i could live in which i would be free from that nonsense . . .

    you might like this little site better given your propensity for all things "unclean" my heathen friend.

    i cannot, for the life of me, figure out how someone scored a 300. i scored under 10 and they counted "crap" for a point. and i thought of myself as quite the prolific sailor before.
