Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Random Tidbits

I'm woefully short on time so I thought I would post a few minor thoughts on the state of my life . . .
  1. Amazing how many people called me on the last post asking if they were the friend who slept with the random stranger. "It sounded like it could have been me." Funny!
  2. Ended up telling the kids about Disney after ordering a book from the library, intending to pick it up myself, and inadvertently allowing it to be picked up by the hubby with kids in tow. Oops. Talk about an entitlement mentality, they were so NOT excited. It was as if we go to Disney daily. If I could cancel, I would. They have zero desire to see any characters (they're already much too cool) but, on that topic, Son #2 asked, "Will Jack Sparrow be there?" (Sidenote: If the real Jack Sparrow is there, I intend to put the kids with a babysitter and hit the town with him!) I replied that there was a big Pirates of the Caribbean attraction complete with a treasure hunt. "Will I be able to find a Wii? I don't want to do it if there are no Wiis." Huh? What happened to being happy with candy? I said, "No, there won't be any Wiis; however, if that's what you really want, I'll be happy to cancel the trip and buy you one." Sadly, they both had to think about it for a good few minutes. So far, we're still going.
  3. Speaking of entitlements, I gave each of the kids a new Webkinz for Valentine's day because they dragged me to the store to see them at least six times since Christmas. Son #2 was extremely grateful for his new turtle; Son #1 could have cared less about his charcoal cat -- even though he had been asking for it repeatedly. Yeah, thanks. The hubby and I need to refrain from buying them anything between birthdays and Christmas unless it's at a garage sale and costs $1.
  4. Son #1 keeps grabbing my boobs because he thinks it's funny. I've tried everything including kindly asking him to stop, making jokes, and screaming to get him to stop. Nothing works. The other night, in a fit of frustration, I said, "Dude, I don't go around grabbing your nuts" to which he responded, "No, I do that myself because it feels good." Oy vey. Yet another entry in a long list of things a mother doesn't want to hear.
  5. I plan to give a copy of this article to my boss. The author, Max Kalehoff, uses Einstein quotes as the subtext of a modern day book on marketing to, once again, prove how timeless wisdom is. My favorite, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
Not feeling hugely valuable today!

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