Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Babble On

In my Bible study this morning, I was reading Luke 24 where the women who followed Jesus went to the tomb, found it empty and were reminded by "two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning" that, per his words, Jesus had risen.

Then the women came back and told all the guys what had happened . . .

"But they did not believe the women,
because their words seemed to them like nonsense."

The more things change, the more they stay the same!


  1. here it is 2000 years later, and I don't believe them either.

  2. I think that most pre-GQ men didn't understand descriptions of clothing that ventured beyond "brownish," "plaid," "dark blue," "with a banker's stripe" and something like "sort of longish."

  3. That's hysterical. I didn't even catch that! Not only do men still find what women say to be utter nonsense but the women came back talking about how the guys who appeared were dressed. Ah, it just gets better!

  4. It's not that they didn't believe them; more of a power thing. Men were basically the editorial department, and so the women get painted that way to support their side of the story. A lot of books got left out of the bible, most about women.
