Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Because I'm Worth It

To embrace fully my inner-Britney Spears, I skipped the shaved head phase but got my hair professionally colored. Given that I've been fairly blond for 40+ years, to me, my hair looks black. My hairdresser insists it's only a five on a scale of 1-10. Regardless of shade, I think it's fun. I'm just glad my arm hairs don't match.

The kids in the neighborhood, who are now sporting blond Hannah Montana wigs, are aghast. "Why did you DO that?" the girl across the street asked. Adults are much more polite but apparently it takes some acclimation. My girlfriend Liz was very complimentary the other night but then a few hours (and a glass or two of wine) later the truth came out. She was still nice (as she always is) but a little more honest. "Okay, I have to say, I'm just now beginning to get used to it." Her husband, on the other hand, remained speechless.

I asked my hairdresser during the process, "Is it true that people always look best in their natural hair color?"

His response, "I don't know who started that rumor but I know this much: it wasn't a f*ing hairdresser."

Yeah, probably not anyone at L'Oreal either. Anyhoo, thanks Robert! I feel like a million bucks.