Friday, November 30, 2007

We're Through Being Cool

My girlfriend Mary just sent me this test which assesses how cool you were in High School (what crowd you ran with, etc.) vs. how cool you are now.

Share it with your friends to see if they've changed.

But first, click here to see if you're still cool!

I'm cool . . .


  1. Goes right along with my "You know it's going to be a long day" post ;)

    FWIW: I still think you're pretty cool. Does that make me a dork??

  2. mel, you ain't no dork. i have cherished visions of you driving your super cool mercedes up to our not-so-cool warehouse for work each day. one of these things is not like the others . . .

  3. ah, well. super-cool or not, the mercedes was no match for the great dane. and now it's been replaced by a mini-van. sigh
