Tuesday, October 23, 2007

No More Tears

While I was gone last weekend, Son #2 began sobbing before bedtime on Saturday night because he missed me.

In order to get him to fall asleep, the hubby told him that if he stopped crying, blew his nose and put the tissue under his pillow, he might get a visit from the snot fairy.

I wonder what she brought . . .


  1. is this the only time you're going to use the "snot fairy" tag? :)

  2. i'm glad you like it!

    and yes, i'll probably use that tag a lot. it's relevant across myriad topics, no? feel free to use it yourself as the need arises.

  3. what will the hubby leave under the pillow if your kids start having 'accidents' in the bed?

  4. at this age? he'll probably leave the house instead. "hon, just going out for a quart of milk." ne'er to be seen again.
