Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Trial Run

My girlfriend just called to tell me that she has officially fallen in love with the guy she's dating. I joked, "don't you think you should be telling him this (vs. me)?" She laughingly said that I was her "trial run" to ensure she got it right. Some things are scary to say out loud for the first time.

When my husband and I were dating for almost seven years, one of his friends asked him when we were going to get married. "Never" was his response. So his friend told his wife who, in turn, told her sister who, in turn, told other girlfriends, and so on. Typical small town.

After we got engaged, I found out about this gossip chain (i.e., friends who were sincerely worried that I was being set-up for disappointment) and I asked him, "why, if you had already purchased the ring, did you tell Bill that you weren't planning to marry me?"

"I thought you should be the first to know."

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