Monday, August 27, 2007

Nature vs. Nurture

It's amazing to me how different two kids, same sex, same parents, roughly the same age, can be.

While the oldest, whose "brain is on fire with math," is content inside playing video games and watching Naruto on beautiful summer days, the youngest wakes up, opens his eyes and immediately says, "I'm bored."

He is in constant need of playing catch, going to the playground, hitting baseballs, playing basketball/soccer/hockey, riding his scooter, learning to ride his bike, etc. Every moment is an "Can I go outside?" moment. "Not yet Monkey, it's not even 8:00 a.m.; we don't want to wake the neighbors."

Yesterday, he spent the entire day making obstacle courses in the front yard, arranging and rearranging items, so that he could run, weave in and out, climb and jump. He and the little girls across the street were competing while I held the watch and timed them. Although he's pretty careful, he still takes some crazy chances -- especially when he's out of breath and should be resting for a moment but instead he's leaping off things and flying to the ground.

I just hope he can sit behind a desk for an entire day in first grade this year!

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