Thursday, August 23, 2007

My Hard Drive Died a Slow Death

In related news, I have a new hard drive and six million emails to sort through.

In unrelated news, we took the boys to a Rochester Red Wings baseball game last night compliments, and in the company, of the little girls across the street who won tickets. I really enjoy being outside on a summer night, under the big lights, watching a ball game. I don't particularly like paying $5/each for crappy dippin' dots ice cream just so my kids can take home the $0.25 plastic helmet for their stuffed animals.

But I love seeing my littlest guy sitting in his seat, eating ice cream, with his feet dangling -- unable to touch the ground. Pretty soon he's going to be big like his brother so, for now, I just want to soak up his cuteness. And that includes seeing how happy he was to put that stupid helmet on his much beloved "monkey" when he got home.

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