Friday, July 27, 2007

Communication Breakdown

My girlfriend sent me an email about a medium named Rebecca Rosen who her cousin and aunt just utilized and both had "amazing sessions." Not my thing at all, a little scary, religious views notwithstanding.

However, it did prompt my mother and me to chat about communicating with each other after she dies. Given that we talk 20X/week, the following questions seemed obvious: "Mom, is it possible that there is anything you'll still need to say that you haven't already told me?" and, "if so, can you say it in the next 20 years so I don't have to pay anyone to tell me more after you're gone?"

Knowing my mom's penchant for clipping, circling and sharing myriad articles of interest, as well as taking copious notes during her radio talk shows and occasional Oprah viewing, I now have a sneaking suspicion that my mom is going to contact me from afar on a daily basis with interesting tidbits from heaven.

I think I'll need to foster my own skills as a medium to save some money.

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